
DnA Designs

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  9. DnA Designs
11a Kei Road, Farrarmere, Benoni, South Africa, Benoni, Gauteng, South Africa 1500
Describe what your business does.:

DnA Designs was formed out of necessity and continues to grow under the Leadership of the Head brothers Rob & Geoff. The concept was to transform the way in which interior projects are developed and implemented. The team has since grown adding the ability to provide an integrated approach in the design, manufacturing and installation of bespoke interior solutions.

Space planning and design give us our first points of reference. By understanding the purpose behind each project, our Design Consultants can identify workable solutions that fit specified requirements. Using state of the art design tools we can provide photo realistic renderings visually expressing the final aesthetics of each project.

Utilising a valuable network of suppliers, our commitment to sustainable solutions is evident in our approach to feasibility. By maintaining our existing network and innovating with local suppliers, DnA is considerably associated as forerunners in the market.

When a project is commissioned, the lead consultant works internally with the rest of the team to ensure maximum efficiency within the project scope and project management phase. This creates a harmonious journey from concept to creation.

Core Values intrinsically expressed are Time, Value, Cost and Effectiveness. These vital competencies are the foundation on which DnA is built and are essential to the future of our vision.

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