My company is a small company,but is still growing bigger because customers they know me very well,if i do my job to one that customer gave my numbers to another one,customers choose me because when i start my job i start and finish my job very fast and they know im perfect on construction jobs,customers find me through my contacts numbers bt most of the customers know me about what im doing in construction industry ,i have everything which im used to do my jobs ,so clients know that i have everything for my jobs,i dont have time for asking clients for their tools,i my self if a customer phoned me im going to meet and see her or him quickly then we talk about how we work ,i know in business there are many things which will happen ,sometimes you can win a job or loose bt as customers know me imostly i won the job because im a right person to customers,if a customer phoned me we make an appointment then i can go there if is possible for the quotation ,so in otherway customers know me as a good person,so to those who want me im free