Leaders in Security and Fencing, they specialise in Electric Fence, Clear View Fencing, CCTV, and host of other services
queensburgh, Kwa Zulu Natal, South Africa 4093
Describe what your business does.:
With over 10 years experience Coldre Security and Fencing Specialist has become a household name.
Specialising in DIY CCTV KITS, CCTV Installations & Sales, Maintenance, Electric fencing, Clear view fencing and complete security solutions.
We also do repairs and maintenance on Electric Fence and CCTV. We also issue compliance certificates for all electric fence
We have worked with many big names such as Engen Petroleum, Woolworths, Approved Auto, Enviroclean, Raubex KZN, CTM, to name but a few.
We are also the preferred installers for many local security companies
Give us a call today and let us help secure your homes and businesses
0785000907 coldresecurefencing@gmail.com
Whatsapp - https://wa.me/27785000907